Who should enroll:
- Individual who wants to learn the art of massage and how it can help another individual
- Massage business owners who wants to send their employee to learn
- Individual who wants to open massage business
- Individual who wants to work overseas as a professional masseuse
- Individual who wants to improve their skill sets and adopt new techniques
- Passionate individual who wants to venture into learning new skills
- Spa owners who wants to to send their staff for learning
- Foreign students are welcome to enroll
Enroll now and:
Become a certified Massage Therapist
Trained by Qualified Massage Trainers
Corporate Massage Wellness Program
Career in Massage Industry
Massage Service by certified Therapist
If you ever have a desire to make healthcare you're key to success? Call us now to discover FULL / PART TIME career/ business opportunities as a professional massage therapist in Malaysia and Internationally.
Registration Processes For Experienced Massage Therapists To SKM Exam
1. Submit complete paperwork to Tim Bodycare Massage Academy.
- Details (Name, IC number, Email, Handphone number)
- Surat sumpah of more than 3 years experience, from commissioner of oath
- Any previous education skill certificate (max 3 documents)
- Choose 3 skills, 2 skills or 1 skill to be examined. (full body massage, reflexology, aromatherapy)
- Will have registration fees
2. Create your profile in MYSPIKE.MY (individually)
3. Exam Batch allocation (8 candidates per batch)
4. Received Email , log in ID and PASSWORD individually registration from MySPIKE.MY
5. We will correspondent between you and examiner
6. Verification of proposed date, personal details and examiner name
7. Exam 2 hours.
8. Collect Certification in 2 months.
View more about Meridian Massage Course on main site